Wednesday, January 25, 2012

CONTEST: Valentine's Day...Love Letters.

Write A Love Letter for VALENTINE'S DAY!

                                    Valentine’s Day.

Some of us hate the thought of it. Some adore the day of celebrating their love in an extra special way on an extra special day.

Florists have the busiest day of their year, Jewellers get swamped, Restaurants are full and Champagne prices increase. And yes … Marriage proposals skyrocket!

Letters appear in Newspapers across the world from" Pookie Pie' to his little "Hampster Buns" "Snookems to Cuddlepot" you know the stuff.

So, in celebration, or commiseration … I have created a Valentine’s Day Contest.

Write a love letter, to anyone or anything {Pets} etc, you wish, in any form you wish. It can be Romantic,  Funny, Sad, Nostalgic, Whatever,  it's your choice.....!

Write it to your current love, your ex- love, the love that got away, the love that can never be … or the love you have yet to meet.

Submissions now open. Deadline Midnight on the 11th of February 2011.

I will post the entries on the 12th of February. The readers will vote for the winner.

The winner will be published on the site for all to see on Valentine’s Day, February 14th. I will include a picture of the winner's choosing and insert a music video of the winner's choosing... how romantic is that?

Maximum word count 1000 words. No minimum word count!

Send your entries to me at my email address,

Please write ‘Valentine’s Day Contest’ in the subject line.

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