Friday, September 3, 2010

So...Contract signed? Now what?

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  1. Very nicely written Sue, and makes much sense!

  2. I agree with Bruce. It is extremely important for writers to research publishers before signing anything. Anyone considering agents, publishing, etc should be using the standard screening sites.

    But there are those who have tired of the endless search for representation, yet still know their work needs to be shared. There are those who feel it is more important to share their stories with a few than to wait forever to share with more. I get that. I went through it all, and continue to do so. But I was fortunate enough to win that elusive contract.

    And yet I work with Night Publishing. We are new. We are writers, just like you, who want the unknown writers to get a chance. We learn daily and most of our greatest lessons are taught by our own authors. We struggle, we achieve small victories, and with every one, we help the author along.

    My advice?
    1) If you choose to go with a small press, do not pay a cent.
    2) Go in with your eyes open. If you agree to a 50/50 deal with a small press, be prepared to pull your own weight.
    3) Realize that a new company, whose goal is to introduce a new concept to the market, is going to have growing pains.
    4) Be patient. Take a deep breath. If your manuscript has taken forever to write, it can wait a little longer to sell. Is it imperative that it sell RIGHT NOW?
    5) If you are unhappy with your publishing company, find another one! Hopefully you signed with a company who doesn't hold you hostage. Night Publishing is thrilled when/if one of our authors is approached by an agent or "Big" publisher, and completely understands if an author chooses to go their own way. Granted, we haven't had any leave us yet, though some have been approached by the Big Guys.
    6) Breathe. For me, creating my novels is an obsessive activity. Sharing it is secondary. Don't let fussing about representation take over your life.

  3. Thanks Bruce, just one in a whole line of stuff on writing. I'm pleased you liked it. thanks

  4. Genevieve, wonderful response thank you. This is just the type of information I hope to impart to the readership.
    I appreciate your contribution to the blog.

  5. Several years back, I was lucky enough to find a literary agent who was happy to represent me. I then informed/hugged/cuddled everyone. Six months down the line he rejected me because he said publishers didn't have the same faith as him. I lost money and I opened my draw and put his rejection along with the rest.
    A while later I came across an American Agency who took me on - long story short they edited my book for megga bucks. I was green enough then to accept that editing was costly and if I wanted my book published etc ....
    They then hooked up with a publishing company and asked to publish my book. I was jumping over hills. Something made me check them out minutes before I signed on the dotted line. What I found rocked my world. They were being investigated by the Attourney Generals Office. Gutted doesn't come near it. All my hopes dashed again. This is not the full story as affidavits were involved.
    I was picked up and dusted down by Struggling Authors and settled back into finding another agent. (I can be like a dog with a juicy bone and my cup is always half full - never half empty).
    When Tim headhunted me for my book I was naturally very sceptical and held back for quite a while. Eventually I gave in and I couldn't be more pleased that I did. Yes I knew that I would have to work hard and self promote but I also had a good support network from NP and SA. AND no money involved!!
    So it's a 50/50 partnership with NP - so what.
    I could very easily sit on my laurel leaves blowing my nails dry and wait for that elusive agent/publisher who will come along with the next gravy train PERHAPS - eventually. OR I can go to an indie publisher such as NP, get off my butt and do my bit. (If you Google my name I own the first seven pages at least)That is how much effort i'm prepared to put in.
    NP may be a small band of warriors but mighty oaks and acorns come to mind.

  6. Hi Soooz
    I left a comment but it doesn't seem to have registered. Will take another look later.

  7. Tee, thanks for the response. This is exactly the type of thing I wanted my readers to be aware of.

    I am one of the very fortunate people to have been signed to Night Publishing. This blog is NOT about the good guys.

    The intention which I hope I made clear is to have anyone about to take that contractual step, with ANY publisher look at their contracts and ensure that the goals and aspirations of the Author and the publisher are unified and clearly understood by both parties.

    You are 100% correct...50/50 is a perfect marriage. I happily consent to that, but then I did my homework before I signed. Not all Indy Publishers have the same high work ethic and commitment to their authors as NP do.


  8. Very well written, Sooz, and makes a ton of sense to me. I've been the self-publishing route (used to own Totoise & Hare Publications), published my first two poetry chapbooks that way back in 1975 before someone mentioned the "M" word (as in "marketing") (Uff-da!). Now I'm working with Night Publishing, which is new and has so far worked better than other things I've tried.

    I know enough about publishing to know it's all pretty much "wait-and-see".

    Thanks again for the article.

  9. George, thanks for the supportive comment. I am so pleased that you stopped by. We are indeed fortunate to be signed to NP.

    Good guys are not that easy to find in todays marketplace.

    I get so angry when I learn of what has happened to good people like Teresa in the past...and it was my dear friend 'Alanna' whose bad experience with the small Indy she had signed with that prompted this post.

    Life can be such a four letter word at times my friend.


  10. Yes it can Sooz. The one thing I can control is my writing ... then sending it out ... and following up. Some things land & stick, some don't. When something does, it can seem like an accident. A book or manuscript lands on someone's desk or in someone's hands as a gift,and the lid blows off. Sometimes it doesn't happen. I keep working and putting things out there and doing whatever I can to promote them without becoming a pest "-), and keep going.

    Over the weekend I turned my general purpose blog into a book blog because I enjoy doing reviews & have done them for years. Now I have another creative outlet :-).

    It's good to be here.



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